
Only awesome people

You will be going home not just filled with new energy and inspiration, but also with a lot of practical ideas and tips which you can use to make a difference. will be bringing you the best international speakers from internationally renowned companies and innovative players in the industry.

All eight talks will be 45 minutes long and will go into depth about various web related topics such as performance, accessibility and its implications for web design and development.

Vitaly Friedman profile picture
10:10 - 10:55

New Adventures in Responsive Web Design

By Vitaly Friedman

With HTTP/2, Service Workers, Responsive Images, Flexbox, SVG and Font Loading API now available in browsers, we all are still trying to figure out just the right strategy for designing and buildings responsive websites just in time. We want to use all of these technologies, but how can we use them efficiently, and how do we achieve it within a reasonable amount of time?

In this talk, Vitaly Friedman, editor-in-chief of Smashing Magazine, will be looking into a strategy for crafting fast, resilient and flexible responsive design systems by utilizing all of those wonderful shiny web technologies we have available today. We'll also talk about dealing with legacy browsers and will cover a few dirty little techniques that might ensure that your responsive websites will stay relevant, flexible and accessible in the years to come.

Andrew Betts profile picture
10:55 - 11:40

The Power of the Network

By Andrew Betts

Web developers are increasingly responsible for the performance of the sites they build, and there are now a plethora of advanced tools and services that allow developers to hone front end performance like never before, but the network can still be your biggest bottleneck.

This talk will discuss best practices and creative strategies for using caching, purging, preloading, server push, streaming, and other technologies to make sure your site hits your user's browser at top speed.

Madhura Chavan profile picture
12:10 - 12:55

Making Physical Digital

By Madhura Chavan

Service design tries to improve the quality and interaction between the provider and its customers. If a successful method of service design is employed, the service will be user-friendly and relevant to the customers, while being sustainable and competitive for the provider.

Madhura will be sharing her experiences on the journey of gathering user insights and creating physical and digital experiences that delighted users. When she worked for public sector projects in Singapore, she used UX and Design Thinking processes to design better healthcare services & learning spaces. After her talk and tips - you can hopefully accomplish the same.

Edan Kwan
12:55 - 13:40

Creative Coding With WebGL

By Edan Kwan

WebGL is no longer a new technology in 2017. In the past few years, we have seen WebGL being used in different fields like gaming, advertising and utilities. However, to most of the front-end developers and even some of the creative developers, they don't relate to WebGL. As a result, most creative experiments online use SVG, Canvas or CSS. In fact, WebGL is incredibly powerful and should be widely used in the creative development community.

In this talk, Edan Kwan will talk about WebGL through his self-learning experience and demonstrate some of his creative work. The session will cover the introduction and overview of WebGL and WebVR via three.js as well as some advanced technique with GLSL shaders for creative coding.

Dietrich Ayala profile picture
14:40 - 15:25

Touching the Future: Designing Physical Experiences with the Web

By Dietrich Ayala

Digital experiences are escaping our desks and our pockets, and becoming a new aspect of our physical world. What happens when the room is the computer? What's possible when the air itself is a canvas? What does it mean for the web?

Come learn about the challenges and future of using the web for room-scale computing, IoT, beacons and augmented reality.

Hui Jing Chen profile picture
15:25 - 16:10

Web Typography: where East meets West

By Hui Jing Chen

When we talk about typography, the most common associations are print and Latin-based letters. Many associate printing with Gutenberg's printing press, but the first moveable type was invented by Bi Sheng in China approximately 400 years earlier. And today, even though print has yet to fall out of favour, the explosion of the web has resulted in a lot of reading being done off screens of all sizes.

Analog typesetting is done with metal slugs, but the web uses CSS to set type. Modern CSS gives us the ability to set type for a dynamic medium, which is something relatively new, and requires us to look at typography with a fresh perspective. Chinese typography traversed its own parallel path of evolution over the centuries and this talk will cover the use of CSS as the typesetting tool of the web for both Chinese and Latin-based languages.

Bruce Lawson
16:40 - 17:25

World-Wide Web, not Wealthy Western Web

By Bruce Lawson

As the population and economies of the West stay static, the developing economies are seeing huge expansion, and a rising youthful population that have grown up with the Web. But there are challenges to web access in Asia and Africa that we need to understand if we want to reach the next 4 billion people with fast, performant sites.

Bruce will bring facts and figures from his years living in Asia to show you how to bring your brands to new markets.

Heydon Pickering profile picture
17:25 - 18:10

Writing Less Damned Code

By Heydon Pickering

Concatenating, minifying, compressing, caching: over the last few years we have come up with a lot of ways to improve the performance of web interfaces. But none are as effective as not coding something in the first place. Code that doesn't exist is infinitely performant and extremely easy to maintain and document.

This talk will identify some examples of front-end code that are either not needed at all, make the interface worse just by being there, or can be replaced by something much, much simpler. Say hello to unprogressive non-enhancement. Be prepared for carousels, share buttons, font-size adjusters and a glorious performance.

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